30 April 2009

Week 17 and Week 18!

Two for one (post) this week!

The girls march with the Girl Guides at the Cleveland ANZAC Day march ... I'm always moved to tears as we stop and remember and give thanks for the protection of our armed forces in the past and the present!

A dodgy phone camera photo (in a dark restaurant)....my beloved midori margarita....which I always have to have when I visit Townsvilles Cactus Jacks mexican restaurant.

19 April 2009

Week 16

Easter Sunday...and the Easter 'Buddy' (my folks dog, Buddy!)

The things a dog has to do!!!

10 April 2009

03 April 2009

Week 14

First day of my holidays today --- DD's are still at school --- so it was a perfect time to catch up with my dear friend Sandy. We are both so busy we just never seem to get a chance to sit down for a chat! We did this morning --- over coffee!

Off to the beach for a week tomorrow - might try for a photo-a-day while we're down there. Shouldn't be too hard! Camera battery is charging as I type and SD card is clear and ready for lots of pics!